Want to learn how to swim or improve your swimming skills? Group swimming lessons are a great way to learn alongside others. We offer the following group swim classes in Orange County, CA:
Perpetual Group LTS
The Perpetual Group LTS program offers parents a chance for long-term swimming success. This program is offered 6 days a week however parents are asked to pick one day and time per week and commit to that class. The perpetual schedule allows students to work with the same instructor week after week, there for improving the speed of success. The limited commitment allows parents the chance to ensure that their child can develop love and respect of the water, without having to commit to 3 to 4 day a week of instruction. It also completely eliminates the pre-summer mania of trying to teach young children to be safe in the water overnight, a task which is unrealistic and unfair to the child.
Dates: Ongoing
Location: Aliso Viejo Aquatic Center
Fee: $30 Per Class. Billing is done monthly and determined by the number of classes in the month.
FastTrack Group LTS
The FastTrack program is designed for rapid and accelerated learning and development, with classes running Monday through Thursday (Tuesday through Friday for some facilities) for 2 weeks at a time (8 lessons). The 2022 FastTrack swimming program has been redesigned and re-developed to incorporate the latest information in child development and learning. The FastTrack program is only available in Spring and Summer seasons, and only during limited times.
Dates: April – September 2019
Location: Aliso Viejo Aquatic Center
Fee: $200 per session
Learn about swim teams.