Premier Aquatic Services Teams Up With The Safer 3 Water Safety Foundation

3 Safety Tips For A Pool Safe Summer

How To Avoid Sunstroke and Sunburns

3 Reasons To Make Your Next Workout A Swim Workout

help spread awareness about the dangers of drowning.


How to Help Children Overcome Their Fear of the Water

Drowning Risks for Children 5 and Under

When To Enroll Your Child in Swim Lessons

Choose a United States Swim School Association Approved Facility for Your Child

5 Essential First Aid Kit Items

3 Unknown Facts About Swimming

How to Deal With Bleeding

CPR: Why You Need to Know Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Automated External Defibrillator: Important Information About AEDs

INTRODUCTION: Your “how to” blog post should teach the reader how to do something by breaking it down into a series of steps. Begin your blog post by explaining what problem you are going to solve through your explanation and be sure to include any relevant keywords. Add in a personal story to establish your credibility […]