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How to Deal With Bleeding
Dan | December 23 2014 | , Blog
First Aid and CPR/AED classes are valuable for anyone, but especially parents. Learning these life-saving skills is essential for keeping yourself and your loved ones safe during an emergency.
One of the skills that you will learn during a First Aid class is how to help a victim that is bleeding.
Approaching the Victim
When approaching a victim who is experiencing major bleeding, you should immediately call 911 and put gloves on your hands.
If gloves are not available, make sure there is a barrier between your hands and the victim. You want to prevent yourself from coming into contact with the victim’s blood.
Look For An Object
Next, you will want to inspect the wound for any foreign objects. Look for anything that could have punctured or penetrated the victim.
If an object has penetrated the victim’s eyeball, do not remove it. Instead, you will want to hold the item in place to prevent it from moving and causing further injury to the eye. Make sure that you do not apply pressure or a bandage to the eye. Hold the object in place until medical help arrives.
If the object has penetrated another part of the victim’s body and looks like it may have hit a major organ, or if it has deeply punctured the victim, do not remove the object. Instead, stabilize the object by taping or holding it in place until medical help arrives. Make sure you splint any limbs involved to prevent them from moving.
If the object has fallen out or has already been removed, always check to see if a part of the object is still inside the wound. If so, make sure to leave it in place and have a doctor remove it later. Any small object that is visible or sticking out of the wound can be removed with clean tweezers. After removal, pressure should be applied to the wound.
Apply Pressure
After the object has been removed or if there isn’t an object present, you will want to apply direct pressure to the wound with gauze. If gauze is not present, you can use a clean article of clothing to help stop the bleeding.
Hold the gauze or clothing on the wound until medical personnel arrive. If more gauze or clothing is needed, do not remove the first layer, simply keep adding more layers of cloth on top.
Familiarizing yourself with these steps is important, but there is no substitution for taking a First Aid class and learning essential life-saving skills. We offer several first aid classes throughout the month. Make sure you know how to keep your family safe by enrolling today!