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Tips and Tricks for Educational Activities to Try at Home!
Dan | March 18 2020 | , after school, after school sports, at home, balance, brain development, community, consistency, family, group swimming lessons, kids yoga, new language, preparation programs, private lessons, spotlight, swimmers, Team
In the wake of our current situation around the world, families and individuals everywhere are doing their best to prepare, stay busy at home when schools and work are closed, and keep their sanity without feeling the need to panic. As we all face the hardships that have come with the uncertainty over the last few weeks, we would like to offer some helpful tips for ways to keep your family calm and prepared, as well as things to do at home with your family during this time away from normalcy.
Most kids all over California are currently home from school in the wake of the closures due to COVID-19. For a lot of parents, this means trying to get creative on ways to keep your kids busy, active, and motivated. One great resource we have found is called “Cosmic Kids Yoga. ” The creator, Jaime, uses YouTube as her platform to create a wide range of yoga videos for kids. Some of her yoga themes include Trolls, Frozen, Pokemon, Star Wars, and more! These videos are an incredible resource to get your kids moving, releasing some energy from being inside all day. In addition to Cosmic Kids, Pinterest is another awesome platform to explore. When it comes to crafts for kids and educational experiences to try at home, Pinterest is your one stop shop for hundreds of ideas to explore! Every Pinterest post has a step-by-step tutorial on how to complete the craft or task, using items you are most likely to already find at home. One more great resource is our Premier Aquatics Instagram (@swimoc) and Facebook (Premier Aquatics) pages. In the wake of our facilities closing temporarily, we have been posting different swim lesson tips and tricks for you and your little ones to practice at home in the bathtub. Follow along for more!
In addition to resources given by your child’s school in particular, one great way to enhance education during this time is with “Duolingo” Duolingo is an incredible online resource that you can access through an app on your phone or directly from a web browser that makes learning a new language simple and fun! Duolingo incorporates games, lessons, rewards, and more into the learning experience, going far beyond the typical textbook way of learning a new language. Aside from Duolingo, there are multiple different awesome online resources to explore for the purposes of learning a new language, teaching a new skill, reading new books, and much more.
Finally, and most importantly, during this time of social distancing and staying home, it is crucial to stay calm. We are all experiencing the daily changes and hiccups that are accompanying this global pandemic together. The single most important resource to getting accurate information regarding COVID-19 and the updates that accompany it, can be found on the CDC website. Now is the time for everyone to support one another in any way possible. We, like many others, cannot wait to be back in the pool with you, making a splash and getting back to our normal routines! With love, Premier Aquatics.