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Premier Aquatics’ Perfect Team Member
Chelsea | January 4 2018 | , Aquatics Jobs, Lifeguard Jobs, lifeguard services, Staff, Swim Jobs, Team
Successful companies are built on the foundation of a strong employee foundation; they’re the back bone of any small or large business. They do the work that’s been assigned to them with passion and perfection, but they take the initiative to do anything else that has to get done. They set the path for others. Here at Premier Aquatics, we depend on each of our team members to develop that foundation, just like a domino effect, if one falls we all fall. Whether it is a summer job as a swim instructor, or more permanent employment, your effort will make or break a company, so we are always looking for the perfect employee.
This company is unique in that we do so much for so many. In aquatics jobs we are fortunate enough to work with children and adults, we have to be ready for any life threating emergency, we have to teach flawless swimming, and be responsible for so many. When we hire, we have to find someone who will share our desire to be the best.
Every company is looking for that perfect team member. As reported in Forbes, there are 15 traits that sum up what all employers should be looking for. They are as follows.
- Action-oriented – Hire employees who take action and take chances. While chances may lead to failure, they will more often lead to success and mold confidence while generating new ideas. Stagnant employees won’t make your company money; action-oriented employees will.
- Intelligent – Intelligence is not the only thing, but it’s a strong foundation for success. While there are many variables you can be flexible on when hiring, intelligence is a must or you’re going to be spending an abundance of time proofing work, micromanaging and dealing with heightened stress levels.
- Ambitious – Employees can only help your company if they want to help themselves have a better career. Ambition is what makes a company innovative, it’s what spawns creative ideas and what generates candor and openness amongst employees.
- Autonomous – You are hiring an employee who can get the job done without extensive hand-holding. As the owner of the company, you have your own tasks to take care of and, when you delegate activities to the individual whom you’re hiring, you don’t want 20 questions, rather you want execution.
- Display Leadership– Do you see this individual being a significant part of your company and leading future employees of the firm? Leadership begins with self-confidence, is molded by positive reinforcement and repetitive success.
- Cultural Fit – Are you going to enjoy working with this individual on a daily basis? Are your employees going to enjoy working with this individual? When recruiting, personality can mean the difference between an employee who doesn’t stay long and fails to produce vs. an all-star who is going to significantly increase your competitive advantage.
- Upbeat – Employees who come into work fresh and energetic everyday are going to out produce workers who think negatively and easily burn-out when they encounter defeat. Upbeat and optimistic employees create a working environment that is unique, spawns new ideas and, just as important is enjoyable for the other people involved.
- Confident – Confidence produces results and encourages employees to take on challenges that others shy away from. The best companies are highly confident in their abilities to provide a superior product or service and this belief spawns a culture of improvement and client confidence.
- Successful – One of the most effective ways to predict future success in a candidate is their past success at other firms. Have they remained at companies for a prolonged period? Have they met company goals? What achievements have these individuals accomplished? If one looks closely, a lot can be deciphered from a resume.
- Honest – An employee can have all the talent in the world, but without integrity and authenticity, nothing great will be accomplished. If nothing else, you want honest, forthright employees at your organization, otherwise your company will turn off clients and, ultimately won’t survive.
- Detail Oriented – Attention to detail is crucial or mistakes will be made within your company. Detail-oriented employees take pride in their work. They dot the “i’s”, cross the “t’s” and get the job done.
- Modest – The most sought after employees shout their value not through their words, but rather through their work. They are humble, don’t need to pump themselves up in front of others and quietly out produce those who do.
- Hard working – Nothing great is accomplished easily. Nothing great is accomplished via hiring 9 – 5 employees. Rather, the foundation of an effective organization lies in its ability to recruit results oriented, hard working employees who execute.
- Marketable – By marketable, I mean presentable to clients. Business is not a fashion contest nor do looks dictate success, however most successful applicants are well put together and, when dealing with clients are going to represent your organization as professional and organized.
- Passionate – Employees who are passionate about their job never work a day in their life. While money should be a motivator in all individuals whom you hire, make sure that they enjoy the journey when pursuing that end-goal.
When determining if Premier is the right home for you, or if you are determining what your next steps are, think about how you can show and more importantly prove your strength in these traits. That way whether it is the team at Premier or the team in another company, we will all be begging you to join our team so you can help us grow. It doesnt matter whether you are season veteran or this is youf first job. We are always looking for the right people.
For information on what we expect from our interviewees, please visit our Interview Prep page to learn more.
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