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What Saving Someone’s Life Has Taught Me
Dan | July 12 2019 |
There is one thing we are trained for that we never want to have to do — save a life. Life threatening water emergencies happen every single day in the United States, and being a part of one can drastically change your view on what it means to be a lifeguard and offer lifeguard services. We may learn all the things we need to know to save a life in our lifeguard certification courses, but saving someone from drowning, performing CPR, and implementing other life-saving techniques in real life is a completely different feeling. Saving someone‚Äôs life not only puts your skills to the test, but it gives you a reality check about the dangers of the water.
Even the most experienced swimmers can be caught in a situation at risk of drowning. When I saved a life, it changed my whole perspective on the lifeguard job. The woman I saved was older, living in a retirement community, and regularly came to the pool I was guarding that day. She got in and was swimming like normal… until she wasn‚Äôt; I noticed her silently dip under the water and made quick moves to dive in and pull her out. The symptoms weren‚Äôt what you expect — there was no screaming and flailing like in the movies, but she was drowning nonetheless. After pulling her out and making sure she was okay, I had a moment of clarity: this is what the job is all about. As much as we learn about water safety in our CPR certifications, with role-playing scenarios and videos, nothing really prepares you for the feeling of saving someone‚Äôs life. It was in that moment I realized how important my job really is.
It’s very easy for lifeguards to feel like their job is boring; most of the time you are sitting in a chair, watching people swim around happily. But it’s those off moments, where aquatic services are truly needed, that make the job so fulfilling. It doesn‚Äôt matter if you are watching over kids or retirees, the feeling is the same — I have the power to save lives.
That is where Premier Aquatics stands out; the training they provide on-site is unlike any other company. In-service training each week tests the skills we need to know and makes sure that each guard is always ready for the worst — and would know exactly what to do if it happens. Saving someone‚Äôs life taught me the true meaning of this job, but Premier Aquatics is what prepared me for it. If you are looking for a job in the lifeguard aquatics area, this is definitely the place to be. This experience is not one you can find anywhere else. If you have any questions or want to learn more, feel free to contact us or visit our website!