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29 Palms

Ocotillo Pool Falcon St, Twentynine Palms, California 92277, EE. UU. Desert View Pool Smoketree Ave, Twentynine Palms, California 92277, EE. UU. Adobe Pool 8201 Argos Rd, Twentynine Palms, California 92277, EE. UU. Joe Davis Pool 74455 Joe Davis Dr, Twentynine Palms, California 92277, EE. UU. Two Mile Pool 73973 Two Mile Rd, Twentynine Palms, California 92277, EE. UU.

Lockbox Code :

Facility Access

Entry Information

Facility Operations

Pool Hours

Day Opening Hours Closing Hours
Monday 05:00 05:00

Opening and Closing Procedures

Pool Rules


Please be advised these rules and regulations outlined below and posted at Liberty Military Housing (LMH) Swimming Pool Complexes are subjected to change without notice: if management deems necessary to safeguard residents and services provided. Additionally, LMH reserves refusal of admittance or requests of residents who fail to comply with the below rules or regulations.

NOTE: in partnership with our governing body, Head Quarters Marine Corps (HQMC), these rules and regulations are in accordance with our contractual agreement and unique to Marine Corps installations.

1.Resident(s) will be allowed admittance to LMH housing community pools while thefacilities are officially open and a lifeguard is on duty.

2.LPC Pendleton Quantico PM LP and Camp Pendleton & Quantico Housing, LLC assumeno liability for injuries or damages arising or resulting from use of the swimming poolcomplex unless due to the willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of suchparties. Due to the strenuous nature of some pool-related activities, the participant isadvised to consult his/her physician concerning fitness to participate. All pool-relatedactivities present certain inherent risks and hazards which the participant assumes.

3.All patrons are required to show their military ID card (orGovernment issued ID forCivilian / Non-QMT residents) to the lifeguard and each patron will be required to sign inon the log to enter the facility – No Exceptions.

4.Patrons shall observe all rules and regulations posted throughout the swimming poolcomplex and rules and requests made by lifesaving personnel or Liberty Military Housingmanagement team members. Pool rules are subject to change without notice to residentsat the discretion of Liberty Military Housing management and all lifesaving personnel.

5.All clothing must be respectful of other guests and in compliance with LMH requirements.The current Swim Attire Requirements for patrons of all pools operated by LMH are asfollows:

    • a.All persons on the pool deck and/or swimming in the pool must have on proper swimattire.
    • b.Double swim diapers and proper swim wear are required for all children who arenot toilet- trained: no exceptions. Complexes cannot provide swim diapers.
    • c.Clean cotton t-shirts and sarongs are allowed on the pool deck, however patronsmust have on proper swim attire underneath.
    • d.The following attire is not allowed at LMH operated pools:
      • i.”Street clothes”, Brazil/French-cut, thong style and/or revealing swim wear,cut-off jeans, jeans, skirts, shorts, sport bras, leotards, leggings, dri-fit wear,compression shorts and compression shirts are prohibited.
      • ii.Underwear and undergarments are not allowed to be worn under swimsuits.
      • iii.Clothing containing or displaying images or text related to profanity, hate-speech, violence, sex, drugs or any other inappropriate images or text are prohibited.
    • e. These requirements will be enforced for both the safety and enjoyment of our valuedpatrons. Any requests for an exception to the LMH Swim Attire Requirementsoutlined herein must be made in advance to LMH staff who may grant suchexceptions to policy in their sole and absolute discretion. If it is found that you arenot wearing swim attire that meets the LMH Swim Attire Requirements outlinedherein, you will be asked to change into proper attire or to exit the facility.

6.No children will be allowed in the swimming pool complex without adult supervision (18years or older). Children under the age of 14 and non-swimmers (regardless of age) shallnot be permitted to use the swimming pool unless accompanied by a responsible adultage 18 or older in a bathing suit. Parents or guardians are responsible for their children andshould not permit them to enter the swimming pool area regardless of age if they are notcompetent swimmers. Children under the age of 6 or non-swimmers (regardless of age)must have a responsible adult age 18 or older in the water with them and within an arm’slength unless the child is wearing a US Coast Guard Life Jacket. Swim complexes cannotprovide US Coast Guard life jackets.

7.The lifeguard on duty will call periodic safety breaks from the swimming pool. A lifeguard’ssafety break will not begin until all bathers have exited the swimming pool. Bathers maynot re-enter the swimming pool until the lifeguard has returned to the guard station andhas blown the whistle to indicate that bathers may resume swim activities. Anyone foundnear the pool edge or in the swimming pool during a lifeguard’s safety break may require toleave the pool area. All patrons must leave the pool area during the lifeguard lunch break ifno other lifeguard is present.

8.Running, diving, flipping into the pool or rough play in the swimming pool complex,dunking, rough play, breath holding, or sitting/standing on shoulders is strictly prohibited.Swimmers can jump into the pool facing the pool. Any person within the swimming poolcomplex that behaves in such a manner as to jeopardize the safety and health of himself/herself or others, or uses abusive or profane language, shall be subject to expulsion fromthe swimming pool complex.

9.Any person under (or suspected of being under) the influence of alcohol or drugs will notbe permitted in the swimming pool complex.

10. Consumption of food and/or beverages is permitted only at the tables situated away fromthe swimming pool. All waste papers must be deposited in designated receptacles.

11. No tobacco products (smoke or smokeless), glass containers or alcoholic beverages arepermitted in the swimming pool complex. No vaping products of any kind are permitted onthe pool deck. All smoking or smokeless products must be used a minimum of fifty (50)feet away from any pool entrance or pool gate.

12. Animals, apart from service animals with government documentation, are strictlyprohibited from the swimming pool complexes.

13. Swimming pool complexes is for the exclusive use of LMH housing residents. Guests ofan LMH Housing resident will be required to fully fill out a guest pass prior to entering theswimming pool.

14.Management is not responsible for stolen or lost articles. Any items left unattended will be removed by Management.

15. Anyone found defacing or damaging any part of the swimming pool complexes, includingall adjoining areas, is subject to disciplinary action and will be held financially responsible.Removal of the pool furniture or rescue equipment will be considered theft.

16.Pool umbrellas are not to be moved from the position they are in.

17.No glass, alcohol, smoking or vaping.

18.No playing on stair handrails.

19.Balls and other pool toys are allowed, if they are not being used as flotation devices.However, if there is a threat of injury, thelifeguard will stop the activity.

EMERGENCIES: In case of an emergency dial 911


RELEASE OF LIABILITY: In consideration for being permitted by LPC Pendleton Quantico PM LP and Camp Pendleton & Quantico Housing, LLC to use the Swimming Pool Complex, I hereby waive, release and discharge any and all damages for personal injury, death, or property damage which I may have, or which may hereafter accrue to me, as a result of use of the Swimming Pool Complex. This release is intended to discharge, in advance, LPC Pendleton

2. Pool rules 3. Pool Schedules Hours