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Garden Pool

1380 S Harbor Blvd, Anaheim, CA 92802, EE. UU.

Lockbox Code :

Facility Access

Entry Information

Parking Information

  1. ) Arrive to 1380 S. Harbor Blvd and pull up to the arm gates. The orange box in the picture as shown.
  2. ) Press the call button and state you’re a “Premier Aquatics Lifeguard”
  3. ) Drive SLOWLY and park in the far west parking spaces. The purple box represents
    this area in the picture below.
  4. ) Place your parking pass on your dashboard (they’re valid for 3 months)
  5. ) Report to work at your designated location.
  6. ) If you are doing an opening shift, please go to the front desk. Represented by the blue circle in the picture shown below.

Facility Operations

Pool Hours

Day Opening Hours Closing Hours

Opening and Closing Procedures

Opening Closing Procedures

Opening Procedures


You will then be given a keycard and asked to collect the facility specific:

-First Aid Kit

-Phones (2 each) // iPad

-LG Clipboard

-ADA Chair Batter

Castaway Cove (CAC):

-Please personal belongings in cabinet (code 0389) -Check facility for hazards

    • •Grab New procedure sheet from LG Binder within cabinet

-Set up Host Stand

    • •Place Castaway 1 iPhone and iPad on table
    • •Ready seating chart with marker and eraser
    • •Check first aid kit for essential items -> Hang one emergency button on the host umbrellas
    • •Set up towels
    • •Place LG Clipboard with new procedure sheet and fill out as you complete tasks

– Check the bottom of slide & hot tub to make sure they are clear and clean

– Walk through and be sure area is free of trash and furniture is organized and presentable

-Check facility for hazards

    • •Slip Test Deck
    • •Check Handrails
    • •Slide Runways
    • •Non-slip mats are not overlapping

-Be sure that maintenance has locked both gates and reservation well doors

-Check ALL LG equipment

    • •Back Board
    • •Ensure crash-bag is present
    • •LG tube is in good condition
    • •Your own CPR mask is ready to go along with your whistle

-Hang Castaway 2 Phone on dispatch umbrella

-Plug in ADA Chair Battery and test in all 4 directions

Garden Pool (GP)

-Check bottom of pool and ensure that it is clear and clean

-Place personal belongings in cabinet within pumproom

    • Grab new procedure sheet from LG Binder within cabinet

-Hang Garden Pool 2 Phone on Lifeguard Stand Umbrellas

-Check facility for hazards

    • •Slip test deck
    • •Check handrails

-Check ALL LG equipment

    • •Back board
    • •Ensure crash-bag is present
    • •LG tube is in good condition
    • •Your own CPR mask is ready to go along with your whistle

 -Walk through and be sure area is free of trash and furniture is organized and presentable

 -Please in ADA Chair Battery and test in all 4 directions

 -Set up Host Stand

    • •Place Garden Pool 1 iPhone and iPad on table
    • •Ready seating chart with marker and eraser nearby
    • •Check first aid kit for essential items -> Hang one emergency button on the host umbrella
    • •Set up towels
    • •Please LG Clipboard with new procedure sheet and fill out as you complete tasks

Closing Procedure


Castaway Cove (CAC):

-Make sure the facility is completely free of patrons, including the restrooms

    • •A 15-minute warning can be given at 9:45p

-Put any remaining umbrellas down

-Clean/ organize the facility

    • •Sweep up food and trash
    • •Organize furniture
    • •Wipe down tables that did not get cleaning previously
    • •Place dirty towels in the towel bin

-Close off green slides with ropes

-Place closure signs in both Green & Red slides

-Remove ADA Chair Battery

-Put LG Tube in Towel storage

-Take: ADA Chair Battery, CAC 1& 2 iPhone, iPad, First-Aid Kit, LG Clipboard, Lost & Found (dry) to the Front Office

    • •Place Phones/iPad/ADA Battery on their proper chargers, make it look neat
    • •Place First Aid Kit/Clipboard in dedicated storage, by break-room fridge

-Any lost & found that is dry:

    • •Bring to the front desk/back office
    • •Label with pre-printed tag
    • •Place in plastic bag and give to LG MOD

-Any lost & found that is wet, leave in facility to dry, but leave it out of guest sight as best as possible

-Return Key Cards to Managers

Garden Pool (GP):

-Mae sure the facility is completely free of patrons

    • •Be sure BOTH gates are closed completely before you leave the facility
    • •A 15-minute warning can be given at 9:45p

-Put any remaining umbrellas down

-Clean/Organize the facility

    • •Sweep up food and trash
    • •Organize furniture
    • •Wipe down tables that did not get cleaned previously
    • •Place dirty towels in the towels bin

-Remove ADA Chair Battery

-Put LG Tube in Towel Storage

-Get personal items out of the pump room; close door completely making sure it locks

    • •Place the key in the First Aid Kit

-Place dry lifejackets within storage bin, under the host table

    • •Any lifejackets that are excessively wet; leave to dry on rack

-Take: ADA Chair Battery, GP 1 & 2 iPhone, iPad, First-Aid Kit, LG Clipboard, Lost & Found (dry) to the Front Office

    • •Place Phones, iPad, ADA Battery on their proper chargers, make it look neat
    • •Place First Aid Kit/ Clipboard in dedicated storage, by break-room fridge

-Any lost * found that is dry:

    • •Bring to the front desk/ back office
    • •Label with pre-printed tag
    • •Place in plastic bag & give to LG MOD

-Any lost & found that is wet, leave in facility to dry on bottom shelf on towel cabana

-Return Key Cards to Managers

Pool Rules

Howard Johnson – Garden Pool Rules

To ensure the safest experience for all guests during their visit, the following rules are in effect.

We appreciate your cooperation in this regard

1. Garden Pool (GP) is for the exclusive use of registered Hotel Guests.

2. A wristband is REQUIRED for entrance for both Adult and Child Hotel Guests. MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES! The only time this is excused is special pretenses given tolife guards by the FRONT DESK staff.

3. Howard Johnson is a smoke free environment. Smoking is permitted outside of the Water Park and in the designated location by the “Howard Johnson” Orange Chair.

Please see Lifeguard for information.

4. Children under 16 must ALWAYS be supervised by an adult (18 years or older).

a. Rule of thumb: parents should be within arm’s reach of their child.

5. Persons having currently active diarrhea or who have had active diarrhea within the past

14 days shall not be allowed to enter the water.

6. Lounge chairs are available on a first come first served basis. Lifeguard will assign you seating based on party size and availability. Lounge chairs must remain in designated areas and are not to be moved. Please see lifeguard before moving to different seating.

7. 3-hour time limit upon entry into the facility (during busy hours / seasons).

8. Diapered children must wear approved reusable, plastic swim pants in all pools and attractions. See attendant for details.

9. Proper swimwear is required. Swimwear is defined as a one-or two-piece swimsuit.

Pants, denim, thongs, or transparent clothing are not permitted. No metal ornamentation on clothing. We reserve the right to determine the appropriateness of swimwear.

10. Aqua socks and aquatic style footwear are permitted.

11. Life jackets are available for use at Garden Pool. Life jackets are complimentary and are available to any guest wishing to use one. Children, first-time swimmers, and weaker swimmers are encouraged to wear a life jacket. Lifeguard for details and to check out a jacket.

  • a. Guests are permitted to wear their own life jacket; however, it must be Coastn Guard certified.

12. No running, diving, extended breath holding, boisterous or rough play at the aquatic facility.

13. No climbing, swinging, or hanging on rails in the pool and the perimeter fencing.

14. Glass items are not permitted in the aquatic facility. Please see lifeguard for options.

15. No food or drink while using or inside pool.

16. Service animals are permitted into the aquatic facility but are not permitted in the water.

17. To provide a safe and enjoyable waterpark experience for our guests, Premier Aquatics utilizes training exercises to improve our lifeguards’ skills and vigilance.

These will occur during normal operating hours and may consist of the following: submersible water manikins, the use of video surveillance equipment, internal and external audits, active/inactive water rescues and/or first aid scenarios.

18. Our lifeguards are highly trained and qualified. Always follow their instructions. Do not talk to or distract lifeguards while they are on duty.

19. Aquatics staff and lifeguards reserve the right to impose the sue of lifejackets as needed.

20. No person shall knowingly possess, have under the person’s control, convey or attempt to convey a deadly weapon o dangerous ordnance onto these premises


Facility Rules